Good Sex And Multiple Orgasms Are Possible
Released on = December 26, 2005, 5:29 pm
Press Release Author = BodyBalance, Inc
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Good sex experiencing consistent multiple orgasms are possible by following three basic principles. Identifing the hindrances to good consistent multiple orgasms. And the positive effects that good sex has on the body. Creative ways to achieve good sex and multiple orgasms.
Press Release Body = What is the definition of good sex? I\'m sure that there are many different definitions. I want to focus on good \"multiple orgasms!\" The orgasm does many powerful things for the body. For one, it relieves \"stress\". According to The Journal of the American Medical Association: 43% of American women suffer from some form of \"Female Sexual Dysfunction\". verifies a study that reveals the results of many research projects showing, sex is as good as an extended workout. Even if slow and gentle it still requires the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy. Orgasms burn calories! Good sex 3 times a week, if maintained for the entire year, is the equivalent of a 75 mile jog. Good sex can balance out cholesterol. There are hindrances to good sex like, self-esteem, over weight problems, see more @ which can be overcome. Once you understand how important good sex is the benefits truly out weigh the hindrances. Nothing can replace good sex!
There are three basic rules to good sex: 1. The Mood 2. The Desire to Please 3. The Strategy
Lets start with the mood, meaning state of mind. Creativity is key! Once we realize the \"importance\" of good sex to the body and mind. You also must realize that there is work involved. Anything that is worth having requires effort. Good sex is certainly worth every ounce of effort you put into it! There are so many priorities that cloud our enjoyment in life. Priorities like, children, bills, work, medical conditions and yes, bad relationships. These things cause stress and stress, if not controlled, can lead to many unnecessary problems. See
The mood is in the mind, confidence is what we lack! A goal of feeling and looking sexy is what we must commit to first! Read sexy novels, watch a sexy video, buy some sexy clothes. Try walking or jogging or even yoga works wonders.
The desire is next which is very important. Begin your sex with the \"desire to please.\" Plan your sexual encounter like a regular check up from your Treat it like your birthday, Have your sexy video and romantic music going all day long! You are not going to except silver but \"Olympic Gold!\"
Finally the strategy! Communicate ask your partner \"questions\". People are like Baskins Robins, everyone has a \"different\" flavor. A different sensitive spot, from a to (G) to z. Don\'t be afraid to talk \"during sex\". Use loud passionate words like, higher, lower, right there, that\'s it, harder, softer, don\'t stop, slower, more, here I cum! Be creative! Remember start slow follow up with your lips and tongue. Focus on the sensitive areas first, the neck, ears, inner thighs.
Tips: Take it slow and communicate as much as possible. A woman\'s chances of orgasm are increased when she is relaxed. There is never enough fore play before sex. Good breath will stimulate sexual arousal
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Contact Details = Eddie Clark
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